Bridal Bouquet 2

This piece began with bits of carnation, begonia, lavender, rose petals, and leaves. They were abraded onto watercolor paper with a hammer. India ink made sense of the blobs of color. The original piece was scanned and digitally enhanced with layers of pink, salmon, and yellow creating a romantic cascade.


“This piece is part of a series I created with a process I like to call flower abrasion. Each piece begins with bits of leaves and flowers collected from my garden. I then arrange the plants on paper and pound them with a hammer to release their pigments. Sometimes a blob of color bleeds from the plant, other times the color is spit outward. Each time the result is unique and unpredictable. I use the pattern of pigments left behind by the plants as inspiration for my design which is drawn, painted, and colored on top.” -Artist, Kathie Gallion


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